Category Archives: interview

MUSIC IS: an interview by Anita Soukizy

“Music always has this quality of like pointing out to something I always knew ever since, there’s a certain wholeness, I don’t have to worry about and music seems to point out to that and then meditation is something in the same way, and it also gives me this sense of coming home, being home. I can now be at any place and if I meditate I remember that I’m home”.

Watch the video on youtube

This conversation with Anita Soukizy took place in Berlin following a recording session with David Rothenberg and Ali Sayah and a group meditation session led by me. We talked about the hook that led me into the music world, my first album, and some of my remarkable productions. We also delved into the meaning of dreams and meditation and their impact on music.


Photo and video by Anita Soukizy

Interview: What Makes a Good Sound – A conversation with David Rothenberg

Soundwalker is a series of talks music, nature, sound, the world around us hosted by musician and writer David Rothenberg

“The great German synth player Bernhard Wöstheinrich, founder of Iapetus Media and Centrozoon, here reveals his secrets for what makes a good electronic sound. He and I experiment with some sounds he likes, some he dislikes. Together we learn to listen to and to shape the unknown.” – David Rothenberg